Christmas Dinner | MADRID
2018 was an intense year, and once more the courage of the JTeam got a glorious achievement.
The Jaguar (Phantera onca), also known as spotted jaguar, is a carnivorous mammal from the Felidae family, living in the American continent, from the South of the United States to the North of Argentina. Ancient civilizations from the South and Central America, considered the Jaguar as a symbol of Strength.
It is territorial, an excellent climber and swimmer.
It hunts by getting close or by ambushing its preys, both in the ground and on the trees, and it is the only big feline that kills its preys with a single strong bite through the skull. It is a solitary species and concentrates its activities at dawn and dusk.
We create the new generation for transportation: We are strong! We are persistent! We are dynamic!